Between playing LA's infamous Viper Room and giving small town America a taste of the Brisbane sound, Yves Klein Blue have also released their debut album Ragged and Ecstatic. Rachel speaks with Charles (keys and guitar) about what life is like post video-clerk career and current position livin' the dream... (well, almost)
Rachel: Hey Charles, so what's been cracking? Busy day?
Charles: Yeah, I've been doing a bunch of interviews and now I'm back at home, doing more interviews, while my Mum's walking around...
R: So you're still living at home, that's handy
C: Yeah, well it's kinda hard to keep a job when you're always having to go away for month or two to play a bunch of shows, so yep, there you go... still at home!
R: Ok, just so I can visualise who I'm talking to here, you're Charles from the video store right?
C: Yeah, that's me - well formerly of the video store, I'm not there anymore I'm afraid.
R: Oh, that's a shame
C: It's kind of sad for me because I just didn't get anymore shifts when I left to do the recording last year... I mean they didn't fire me, but I didn't exactly quit.
R: Fair enough, I guess it's a bit hard to manage being a video store clerk and a rock star these days
C: Look, it's pretty hard work you know - being a video store clerk, a rock star on the other hand - very easy (lols). But yeah, despite it sucking losing the job, I'm surviving and the band is doing things, which is kinda exciting.
R: Yes, you definitely are doing things, so you've got the debut album out now, which you've been working on for a while now, yeah? I remember you were busy recording when Laneway was on...
C: Yeah, we were doing the finishing touches at Airlock Studios over at Samford which is a cool little studio out the back of Brisbane's north. It was pretty fucking great getting it all on hard disc.
R: 'Getting Wise' is the new single - was it fun making that flim clip?
C: It was cool, it was actually just done in our rehearsal space, but amended with a few random things, like neon signs from some guy. Made it look all pretty.
R: Is that just in Brisbane?
C: Yes, In Woolloongabba actually, we've got this friend of ours, this great guy who has this big house that he lives in, with this big open area in the back with all our gear it in. So we just decided to film in the rehearsal space. I think it turned out pretty well, it was a good day and it certainly paid off.
R: Yeah, it looks really good.
R: Woolloongabba is turning into a bit of a new hot spot in Brisbane
C: There are a few bands that have their rehearsal spaces there. I know the Cairos do.
R: And there's a couple new bars and restaurants - it's really opening up
C: Yeah totally, it's sort of an untouched area in terms of ‘cool' you know, in terms of culture, aside from the ol' game at the Gabba, alot of the area is untouched since back in the day.
R: So, you've just come back from Europe, how did that feel, coming back to Brisbane after gallivanting?
C: It was pretty damn wonderful I think, Brisbane is home to me and I guess all of us [the band]. It's good to get home and sleep in my bed. But it was still a really productive time overseas, very satisfying.
R: Anything in particular from the trip that was noteworthy or really crazy-fun?
C: I dunno, we mostly hung-out with out fellow Brisbanites The John Steel Singers in London and those guys are always really fun. We were in the US as well which was also really cool. What happened? Uhh, oh actually this is really embarrassing.., It was our last night in New York and I went back to the hotel cause I was really tired and we had to get a flight to London at about seven in the morning or something stupid. Anyway, all the guys went out except for me - I went to sleep being the rock'n'roller that I am. And everyone else went out to this little bar which The Strokes own and they were just hanging out there and the story goes that Michael asked a woman for light, who turned out to be Juliet Lewis who then introduced him to her friend Drew Barrymore, who introduced him to the Mac guy, Justin long.
R: The Mac guy?
C: Yeah, he was also in Die Hard 4 for those in the know. He's going out with Drew Barrymore
R: Well that's definitely a talking point, cheers for that
C: Yeah I just feel really fucking stupid for not going.
R: So I take it no one in YKB has a criminal record, cause you can't go to America if you have one.
C: It really is an intense process to go to America; we had to get working visas
R: Did you have to go for an interview in Sydney first?
C: Yeah, we had to be searched and checked - but no one has any criminal records - I'm glad to have avoided that so far.
R: So, Splendour this month, is it the second time you guys have played?
C: We played last year, which was really cool, Hopefully there'll be even more people there this time. Splendour's real fun. I only went for the first time last year and it's a great festival. Jane's Addiction are playing which I'm kinda excited about and Flaming Lips will be cool and of course the tickets sold out in 5 seconds again...
R: Of course
R: And do you know which stage you're playing on this year?
C: No, but last year we played on the main stage, but at like 1 o'clock in the afternoon on a Sunday, but maybe we'll get a better time this year, who knows? But before that we've got the tour for the album.
R: Woo hoo, and so tell me Charles, how much of your week now is consumed by the band? Is it pretty much a full-time job?
C: Yep, It's a full time job, yeah there are interviews, discussing artwork and practise of course - there's a lot of practise. So yeah it's a full-time job, just not one we get paid for yet... laughs, maybe soon.
R: So, since you live at home is your mum cooking you dinner tonight?
C: You know what, I think I will actually be home for dinner tonight, often I get home too late or I'll be somewhere else.
R: Do you know what you're having?
C: No, not yet - she's just gone to walk the dog, so I'll have to ask her when she gets back... I'm sorry I can't give you the inside scoop to my dinner plans.
R: I think it's just that time of the day; I'm starting to think about dinner
C: Look it's 5.30, there's nothing on TV, people are making their way home from work, there's that grumble and you start to think dinner! - it's the same everyday.
It' s a process I'm looking forward to.
By Sadie Lost
Release: Album
To Cure: A quiet weekend
taken from: http://www.fourthousand.com.au/hear/tea-time-chat-with-yves-klein-blue/
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