Review of Draw Attention To Themselves

The buzz surrounding Yves Klein Blue has grown to positively deafening levels over the past 12 months, and culminated in their signing to Brisbane-based record label Dew Process. It’s been a while since they released any recorded work, but fans can relax, safe in the knowledge that the new EP from this poppy Brisbane four-piece, Draw Attention To Themselves, despite containing some rerecorded versions of older songs, has captured their dancey, energetic live show perfectly.

Blasphemy has a laidback almost-reggae beginning, but at the one minute mark, the songs true rock riff heart bursts out, and will get even the most cynical of listeners dancing in their chairs. It’s a perfect introduction for newcomers to YKB’s sound – stomping drums, jangly guitars, and Michael Tomlinson ’s irreverent vocals, all tied together in a superb sonic package. Not What I Want is somehow dancier, while the longer, drawn out ballad 19 shows off some of Tomlinson’s piano skills, as well as the versatility of the Yves Klein Blue sound.

Silence Is Distance has a sharper, meaner, rockier edge to it, with Charles Sale ’s guitar work taking pride of place. Chris Banham ’s drums do an excellent job of keeping this wild song on the rails, and Tomlinson proves he can croon over the top of anything. First single Polka is exactly that; a noodling, rollicking party song which would not have seemed out of place in a 30’s speakeasy – at least until Sale’s manic guitars really kick in, convulsing the song all over the room. (A Bookend) closes out the EP, with Tomlinson once again tinkling the ivories for this instrumental number.

Overall it’s a very classy beginning for Yves Klein Blue’s Dew Process career. Draw Attention To Themselves is an excellent snapshot of the band who have built themselves a first rate live reputation, and these four youngsters feel like veterans with no missteps to be seen on this six track EP. Fans of fun, dancey rock – your new favourite band has arrived.

Don’t miss Yves Klein Blue launching their Draw Attention To Themselves EP this Saturday at the Troubador, supported by Wind&Brackets and the Rocketsmiths

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