They're obviously pretty busy at the moment, but lead guitarist Charles Sale took the time to answer a few questions for BrizBands:
1. You're named after a type of paint who knows enough about painting that you were able to come up with Yves Klein Blue as your official band name?
Well, someone owned a calendar which featured prominent 20th century artists. None of us are particularly knowledgeable in the field or art history, but it sounded nice!
2. What's the first album you bought that really got you considering music as a career?
Personally it was The Living End and I would have been about 10 years old when it was released. I then became thoroughly obsessed with the band for about a year, and would draw the Living End as if they were animal cartoon characters. I have no idea why.
3. What band or musician, alive or dead, would you like to meet?
I have been in the presence of a few people who were influential to me in the past, though I never say anything to them in fear of being an annoying fanboy. For the sake of the question… I’ll say Alex Chilton.
4. If you could ask them one question, what would it be?
It’d probably be something along the lines of “OH MY GOD PLAY A SHOW IN AUSTRALIA.” Though hopefully not that out of control.
5. Do you guys ever get nervous before a show?
Occasionally, though most of the times my senses are dulled by 4 different factors.
a. Too much alcohol, this can happen and it’s not a good thing. Be responsible!
b. Fatigue.
c. Bloating from bad food.
d. Completely forgetting to either restring my guitar, or just completely forgetting the guitar. That has happened, twice. On the same occasion. With the same guitar.
With these factors in place, I often even forget I have a show to play before I’m onstage.

6. If so, what do you do to ease the nerves?
If I’m nervous I will just listen to aggressive music loudly and have a drink. That tends to ease things a little.
7. What are the best and worst parts of a tour?
The best part is when you’re onstage and it’s wonderful and the crowds are great and you meet cool people. The worst part is having to then lug 100KGs of gear into a waiting van and then get up at some brutally early time and go on a flight and your head hurts.
8. What's your favourite thing to do on the weekend?
Well, when we’re generally on tour we’re playing shows! Otherwise I will stay at home and do very little. That’s usually the case, though sometimes I’ll venture out of my bedroom into natural light to forage.
9. How will you be celebrating Australia Day?
Probably going to the coast with my girlfriend and having a BBQ. There is nothing more Australian than cooked animal, apparently.
10. As a fairly successful local Brisbane band, what one piece of advice would you give to emerging bands?
Work hard and play shows, and if you can’t get shows, throw a party and then play at it!
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