The boys announced today on twitter that they have secured a digital release of the 2008 EP is available for download in Canada:
"our first EP 'Yves Klein Blue Draw Attention To Themselves' is released digitally in Canada today, so if you are in Canada, go forth & buy!" - twitter.com/yveskleinblue
you can get it here: http://www.amazon.com/Draw-Attention-To-Themselves/dp/B001H5W0X2/ref=dm_cd_album_lnk
The boys are also reporting that they are traveling to Melbourne on there first national headline tour, but a bout of the flu has infected the camp - probably blaming Berkfinger from support band Philadelphia Grand Jury for that one ; )
"en route to melbs - sickest tour bus in all the land, and we don't mean in a fully sick bro manner ... yves swine flue on the road..."
poor boys, go buy their ep or better yet new album and make them feel better!!!
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