It is a lonely affair attending a gig by oneself.
While I wait for The Holidays to begin their set, a mixture of boredom and fatigue begins to set in. Twenty minutes pass and the lights dim, everyone is ready to dance and on comes... Dire Straits' Money for Nothing.
After some confusion, the stage lights shine on and the band enter in full Halloween costume gear.
I had heard The Holidays EP a few weeks earlier, so I was familiar enough with some of their stuff, and after some initial trepidation regarding the quality of their EP - I was happy to discover they play one kick ass live set.
Lead singer Simon Jones encountered some trouble after his Mummy costume began falling apart, leaving him blind and with a mouth full of toilet paper.
They managed to pull the whole crowd to the front and played a tight set. I don’t know if it was the alcohol, but people seemed excited to see them and they certainly pulled me out of my dazed state.
Half an hour later and a few beers on for many, Yves Klein Blue lead singer (Michael, who looks to pretty for his own good) appears on stage sweetly singing away before the rest of the crew join him.

I had seen these guys support Tokyo Police Club in July and I was relieved to see they haven't lost any of the enthusiasm I saw then; in fact it may have increased.
Michael's face is so much fun to watch; he is constantly animated while the rest of the band take to attacking the entire stage.
As the show went on I became increasingly aware of how annoying inebriated people can be - t was quite possibly one of the worst crowds I have ever encountered, with the guys up the front managing to push everyone else back while creating their own little bogan circle. Your mothers would be proud.
Crowd annoyance aside, YKB has created a great show and with some truly great songs, leaving very few the chance to be disappointed.
As it was the final show of "The Immaculate Confection Tour", all the bands (including The Polites who supported, but I'd missed) performed With a Little Help from My Friends in a euphoric collaboration.
If these guys are anything to go by, Aussie music is heading a down a beautifully melodic road.

taken from: http://www.webwombat.com.au/entertainment/music/yves-klein-blue-live.htm
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